Martin Stefanov

MARTIN STEFANOV  was born December 9, 1977 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and educated at the First English Language School in Sofia. He studied at Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridsky," where he obtained a Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics. He has had a 12-years experience at different levels and positions, up to the post of jumior manager, in the advertising and printing industry in Sofia. He is currently a managing partner in SYNERGIE A.M.

Operational workflow and ideas for the grazian-archive

Martin Stefanov: Operational workflow and ideas for the grazian-archive

Synergie A.M. - Sofia, Bulgaria

SYNERGIE A.M. is a company specialized in the sphere of creative graphic design, pre-press services, print and packaging solutions ; serious interests in developing personal digital archiving service  as well.


o f f i c e @ s y n e r g i e - b g . c o m

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